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How to Apply Vim Settings to cat Command

I first sought out a solution for the absence of colordiff in my new work environment, which I had next to zero control over what packages get installed.  So basically, I would output my diffs into a file then open it in vim.  Eventually that got really annoying and I wanted something I can run in a single command, such as svn diff | less.  So naturally, I was looking for a simple way to read a diff and have the colors differentiate modifications.  Not long after, I found this thread and discovered one can vim in less mode!  This essentially lets you pipe out string and scroll through it, all with your vim settings.

Add a new command script called vless using the less macro vim provides:
cp /usr/share/vim/vim{version}/macros/ /usr/local/bin/vless

Then use vless instead of less and enjoy life in color!
svn diff | vless


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