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Twisted Klein: Non-Blocking Recipes

Non-Blocking Recipes

Do you like expressjs, but don’t want to switch to Node.js? Want non-blocking execution in Python? Then look no further! Asynchronous execution is the very essence of what makes Klein a contender in todays web framework landscape. It’s also the most difficult concept to grasp since most Pythonistas are not accustomed to asynchronous programming. Hopefully with the addition asyncio to Python’s standard library, this will change. Klein is built atop Twisted and developers can expose Deferred objects for asynchronous behavior. A very brief overview will be given on Twisted Deferred, afterwards aspiring developers are encouraged to read the Twisted documents on the subject (provided in the links near the bottom).

Deferred Overview

To demonstrate how Deferred objects work, we will create a chain of callback functions that execute after a result is available. Don’t worry if this confuses you right now, the code will clear things up.

from __future__ import print_function
from twisted.internet import defer

def addition(result, *numbers, **kw):
    This is the callback function
    return result + sum(numbers)

def errorHasHappened(failure, msg):
    This is the error-back function

# Create deferred obj and callback chain
d = defer.Deferred()
d.addCallback(addition, 1, 2, 3, 4)
d.addErrback(print, 'This is an error!')
d.addBoth(print)         # addBoth states the function is both called as a callback and errback

d.callback(100)          # start the callback chain

First, callback and error-back functions are established (adition() and errorHasHappend() in this case). These callbacks are “registered” by the addCallback() and addErrback() functions. Notice the callback functions (addition() and errorHasHappend()) take an argument result and failure, these are the results returned from the previous function. Therefore, upon successful execution and returning of a valid result of 100 (ie. d.callback(100)), the result value 100 is passed to the first callback function and starts the callback chain. First the addition function executes and adds 1, 2, 3, 4 to 100 then the final result is printed (via d.addBoth(print). To execute the errorback chain, a value which would raise an error in the addition() function could be used, such as d.callback("one hundred").

Alternatively, results can start callbacks or errorbacks directly via succeed() or failure():

def addition(result, *numbers, **kw):
    return result + sum(numbers)

def errorHasHappened(failure, msg):

d = defer.succeed(200).addCallback(addition, 10, 20).addCallback(print), 'Errback executed')

Now let’s get back to the main web framework!

Simple Deferred

Let’s take a simple spin on deferreds. Two endpoints will be created, one will create a callback chain and another will actually start the callback chain. “What’s a callback chain?” I’m glad you asked! In layman’s terms, a callback chain is a sequence of events that that occur after an event occurs. To do this using Twisted, we use what are known as Deferred. We first instantiate a Deferred and then append functions we want to execute after a value is returned. Finally, when the value is ready, the callback chain is executed. Hopefully the following example will help make sense of all this.

def addTag(text, tag):
    return '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(tag, text)

def simple(request):
    global D
    D = defer.Deferred()
    D.addCallback(addTag, 'i')  # italics
    D.addCallback(addTag, 'u')  # underline
    return D

def startSimpleChain(request):
    global D
        D.callback('This is a simple callback...FIRE!')     # start the callback chain
    except defer.AlreadyCalledError:
        return 'The callback has already been fired or not set! Go back to <a href="/async/simple" target="new">/async/simple</a> and initiate the Deferred.'
    return 'Look at the <a href="/simple">/simple</a> request tab.'

The /simple route, initializes a global Deferred object and subsequent callbacks. The /simple/fire route will start the callback chain and pass the text "This is a simple callback...FIRE!", but only if the Deferred hasn’t been called already since Deferred objects can only be executed once. So basically, when the Deferred is started (via D.callback('...')) in the /simple/fire route, the text that’s passed in will be passed along the callback chain which was created in the /simple route. Let’s test this out using curl or you can easily test this in a web browser:
curl localhost:8000/simple &    # execute this in the background
curl localhost:8000/simple/fire

Error Callbacks

With standard Python exception handling, when an error is raised, specific code can be run in the exception section. Deferred objects can be utilized like try/except blocks, in fact, the underlaying code actually uses this exception handling to launch error callbacks. To execute a specific function when an error occurs, we have to add an error callback by using Deferred.addErrback().

def asyncError(request):

    def addTag(text, tag):
        return '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(tag, text)

    def raiseError():
        int('hello')        # this will cause an error

    def errorCallback(failure, request):
        return 'Uh oh spaghetti-Os!<br><br>ERROR: {0}'.format(failure)

    d = defer.maybeDeferred(raiseError)
    err = d.addErrback(errorCallback, request)      # returns a deferred so you can chain callbacks to it
    err.addCallback(addTag, 'strong')               # make the error msg bold
    return d

In this example, the function raiseError() results in a traceback and a triggers an error-back, which itself returns a Deferred. Since error-backs return Deferred, you can chain callbacks to them. In this case, the error message is displayed in bold. Basically this is what’s happening:

except Exception as e:
    failure = errorCallback(e, request)
    return addTag(failure, 'strong')


With the advent of Tornado, many have grown to like coroutines as opposed to callbacks or promise approaches for web development. Klein can leverage what are known as inlineCallbacks which work very similarly to coroutines. With coroutines and inlineCallbacks, you can “wait” or yield for a result without blocking your entire application.:

def addTag(text, tag):
    return '<{0}>{1}</{0}>'.format(tag, text)

def coro(request):
    text = 'This is a coroutine-like function!'
    result = yield addTag(text, 'i')
    result = yield addTag(result, 'strong')
    result = yield addTag(result, 'body')
    result = yield addTag(result, 'html')
    # defer.returnValue(result)   # Python 2.x
    return result               # Python 3.x


As a rule of thumb, developers should stay away from threads if possible. With that being said, there are times where threads are necessary, such as executing code that can take an unpredictable amount of time. Even then, it would be best to look for other alternative solutions, but let’s move on.

def blockingTask(n):
   from time import sleep
   return 'Slept for %d seconds' % n

def sleepTask(request, n): 
   A silly blocking task that will execute in a thread and return.

   :param n: Number of seconds to sleep

   return threads.deferToThread(blockingTask, n)

Load Test

To test if the server indeed doesn’t block, use a stress or load testing utility like Locust or JMeter.

Final Example


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